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Topics In Anthropology (390-0-3)


Indigenous Nations and Anthropology


Megan Baker

Meeting Info

University Hall 218: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Central to the constitution of the American anthropology were the Indigenous peoples of North America. This course considers the development of U.S. anthropology, which studied Indigenous peoples who simultaneously challenged, subverted, and undermined their treatment as subjects of study. We will consider the conditions in which anthropological knowledge was produced, its deployment in colonial and imperial projects, and how Indigenous peoples and nations have engaged and responded to such projects throughout time. In particular, we will focus on how Indigenous peoples and nations have retooled anthropology to revitalize their cultures and affirm their sovereignty, which includes finding ways to work with, within and outside of institutions of anthropological knowledge such as museums, archives, and universities.

Class Materials (Required)

Articles to be provided via CANVAS