Introduction to Archaeology Research Design & Methods (322-0-1)
Mark Hauser
1812 Hinman Ave., Room #205, EV Campus
Mark W. Hauser is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology. He was trained as an Anthropological Archaeologist and specializes in the material culture of the African Diaspora and social inequality in the Caribbean. His work pays special attention to understanding the everyday life and material world of enslaved laborers. He has worked in the Caribbean since 1992 and has participated on or run research projects in numerous islands. Hauser has published numerous scholarly articles and chapters on the archaeology of informal and unexpected economies; methodological considerations for understanding colonial landscapes and identity formation; and the centering of craft industries in Caribbean political economy.
Meeting Info
ANTHRO Sem Rm 104 - 1810 Hinmn: Thurs 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
This class is fundamentally about how—and why—we do archaeology. Over the course of the quarter, we will take what interests you about archaeology and build a scaffold for how you think about these interests and how you might examine them in depth in the future. The main goal is to produce a high quality NSF proposal by the end of the course (NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program proposal for undergraduates; NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant for graduate students). To that end, we will spend time reviewing successful proposals to decipher how scholars link theory, data, methods, and analysis in their research projects. We will work our way through the main methods in every archaeologists' tool kit: regional survey, excavation, and materials analysis. Upon completion of the course, students should feel comfortable writing grant proposals and be ready to design their own independent archaeological research project.
Registration Requirements
Enrollment: undergrad (jr/sr only; permission required) and graduate
Evaluation Method
"1) Article Critiques: 2 article critiques assigned over the quarter
2) Individual sections of grant proposal, written and workshopped over the course of the quarter
3) Final grant proposal, due at end of quarter"
Class Materials (Required)
Articles on CANVAS
Class Attributes
Advanced Expression
Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Students who are Juniors, Seniors, or Graduate students in any school
Reserved for Juniors & Seniors
Add Consent: Department Consent Required