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Institutions and Society (288-DL-20)


Austin Abernethy Stimpson Jenkins

Meeting Info

Online: TBA

Overview of class

This course will examine a fundamental concept in the social sciences: institutions. Institutions are prevalent and durable systems of rules and expectations that structure human behavior. Money, commercial organizations, law, language, and marriage are all examples of institutions. This course will give you theoretical and methodological tools for understanding how institutions shape individual and organizational behavior, how institutions resist change and persist across generations, and how institutions change over time and foster innovation. You will also learn how to put institutional theories into practice in developing corporate and political strategy.

This course is conducted completely online. A technology fee will be added to tuition.

Registration Requirements

This course is limited to School of Professional Studies students only. Undergraduate students in other schools at Northwestern are not permitted to enroll in this course.

Class Attributes

Asynchronous:Remote class-no scheduled mtg time