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Psychology of Personality (215-CN-15)


Elise Percy

Meeting Info

Wieboldt Hall 406: Wed 6:15PM - 9:15PM

Overview of class

In this course, we will explore personality psychology broadly. In lay terms, personality psychology explores deep questions of who we are, and why we think, feel, and behave as we do. We will discuss the tools for studying personality (including research methods and measurement design), and we will consider personality itself from the perspective of the various frameworks through which it is studied. These approaches each take a different focus, such as identifying specific personality traits or types, investigating how personality develops, and the roles of culture, biology, and even potential influences on personality that operate below awareness. Beyond simply building an understanding of these topics, this course also addresses their applications toward gaining better insight into ourselves and others, and how to utilize the course content as it pertains to various career paths. Carries social science credit.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: PSYCH 110 or equivalent.

Learning Objectives

- General literacy in personality psychology, demonstrated by familiarity with a broad range of relevant theories, thinkers, terminology, and ideas as discussed in the course.
- Capacity to understand the science of personality psychology, effectively interpret results of empirical research and critique methodology.
- Ability to apply and communicate these skills in order to better understand human behavior, including that of yourself and those you encounter in your personal or professional life.
- Enhanced power to think critically about the world around you.

Teaching Method

Demonstrations, Discussion, Group Work, Lecture, Research Projects, Writing Assignments

Evaluation Method

Discussion, Exams, Papers, Project, final, Participation/Attendance

Class Materials (Required)

Materials may include the following. Confirm course texts and materials by contacting instructor or viewing course Canvas site or University bookstore website.

Funder, D. C. The personality puzzle, 8th ed./2019, ISBN: 9780393421781.
Any format (hardcover, paperback, e-book) is fine.