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Public Speaking (102-CN-14)


Daniel Moser
Daniel Moser received his BFA from New York University, his MA from University of Illinois/Urbana, and his PhD from Northwestern's School of Communication, Department of Performance Studies. Dr. Moser is a coprporate presentation consultant and does research in the performance of everyday life and work. He is a faculty member in The School of Professional Studies Program in Leadership and Organizational Behavior.

Meeting Info

Wieboldt Hall 406: Tues 6:15PM - 9:15PM

Overview of class

Discover and improve upon your own communication style and, through practice, learn how to hone that style for academic success and professional development within the vast and diverse forum of public speaking. This course is a laboratory in which you will be encouraged to speak publicly about issues that concern you, to share information that interests you and has relevance to a larger audience, and to translate the public speaking forum in terms of your own professional pursuits. Through short speeches, engaging lectures, personalized coaching sessions, and team-building group projects, each student will receive personalized attention tailored to the realities of academic success. Students will leave the course with increased technical and soft skills in effective communication: non-verbal body language, critical listening, storytelling, leadership presence, managing anxiety, and structuring a clear message through visual design.

You will use the PREP and START Methods to answer questions, Monroe's Motivational Sequence to persuade, and explore non-verbal body language and the "performance of self" to become an engaging public speaker. Becoming aware of your physical and vocal qualities while overcoming nervousness and analyzing your audience will build your skillset to fully engage the crowd. Improving your critical listening and storytelling skills and learning how to structure a clear message adds to your public-speaking toolbox.

You will explore this compelling topic by:
• Engaging with speech texts and videos
• Practicing interviewing and pitch sessions
• Delivering persuasive speeches
• Enjoying the art of conversation
• Our culminating activity will be sessions on speed-interviewing where you practice the art of answering questions while fine-tuning the short story of you, your elevator speech.

Through short speeches, engaging lectures, personalized coaching sessions, and team-building group projects, each student will receive personalized attention tailored to the realities of academic success. Students will leave the workshop with increased technical and soft skills in effective communication: non-verbal body language, critical listening, storytelling, leadership presence, managing anxiety, and structuring a clear message through visual design.

May not be audited.

Registration Requirements

No prerequisites are required for this course.

Learning Objectives

In this course you will:
• build a powerful and dynamic presence and become the best version of yourself
• effectively communicate and achieve persuasive influence
• Increase your confidence and self-awareness
• discover strategies for personal and academic success

Class Materials (Required)

The Art of Public Speaking, Stephen Lucas, (12th or 13th Edition)

Class Notes

Bring a sense of adventure to this immersive and engaging course!