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- 2023 Fall
- The Graduate School
- Public Health
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301-0 Behavior, Society & Health
- 20: Behavior, Society & Health - Donald Tyler - April Timmons Tyler - Tues 6:15PM - 9:00PM
302-0 Introduction to Biostatistics
- 20: Introduction to Biostatistics - James Sinacore - Thurs 6:15PM - 9:00PM
305-0 Programming for Statistical Analysis
- 20: Programming for Statistical Analysis - David A Aaby - Mon 5:05PM - 6:30PM
310-0 Foundations of Public Health I
- 21: Foundations of Public Health I - Darcie Moeller - Tues 5:00PM - 6:00PM
312-0 Foundations of Public Health III
- 20: Foundations of Public Health III - Rola Kaakeh - Tues, Thurs 3:05PM - 4:30PM
317-0 Seminar in Community Health Research
- 20: Seminar in Community Health Research - Gregory Phillips II - Salva Balbale - Thurs 5:00PM - 6:00PM
323-0 Health Equity
- 20: Health Equity - Sarah Rittner - Ariel Thomas - Thurs 6:15PM - 9:00PM
350-0 Dual Degree Seminar: Topics in Public Health for the Physical Therapist
- 20: Dual Degree Seminar: Topics in Public Health for the Physical Therapist - Margaret Katherine Danilovich - TBA
387-0 Seminar in Global Health I
- 20: Seminar in Global Health I - Mainza Durrell - Thurs 5:00PM - 6:00PM
390-0 Introduction to International Public Health
- 20: Introduction to International Public Health - William Leonard - Mon 6:15PM - 9:00PM
415-0 Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Principles and Application
- 20: Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Principles and Application - Arthur Elster - Mon 6:15PM - 9:00PM
418-0 Applied Practice Experience I
- 20: Applied Practice Experience I - Archana Roy MD MPH - Wed 5:00PM - 6:00PM
419-0 Applied Practice Experience II
- 20: Applied Practice Experience II - Adela Mizrachi - TBA
- 21: Applied Practice Experience II - Adela Mizrachi - TBA
421-0 Intermediate Biostatistics
- 20: Intermediate Biostatistics - Patrick Janulis - Wed 6:15PM - 9:00PM
430-0 Global Health Research Practicum
- 20: Global Health Research Practicum - Naomi Sugar - Thurs 6:15PM - 9:00PM
435-0 Health Services Research Design & Analysis Strategies: Technology Assessment
- 20: Health Services Research Design & Analysis Strategies: Technology Assessment - Joseph Feinglass - TBA
445-0 Writing and Peer Reviewing for Scientific Publication
- 20: Writing and Peer Reviewing for Scientific Publication - Phil Fontanarosa - Wed 6:15PM - 9:00PM
520-0 Artificial Epidemics and Changes in Human Culture
- 1: Artificial Epidemics and Changes in Human Culture - Maureen Moran - Mon 5:00PM - 6:00PM
560-0 Culminating Experience
- 20: Culminating Experience - Rishi Agrawal - TBA
- 21: Culminating Experience - Rishi Agrawal - TBA