Puppetry History & Performance (343-0-20)
Dassia N. Posner
Music Communication Building 5-172
Office Hours: T 1-2:30 (drop-in); M and W afternoons (by appt.)
Meeting Info
Wirtz 220 Wet Design Studio: Tues, Thurs 9:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
Can humans bestow life on inanimate objects, or do these objects contain a life of their own? Wherein lies our fascination with puppets and robots that imitate, yet distort, the human figure? Humans have long been fascinated with replicating themselves, yet there is an uneasy tension between us and the objects we create. This course will trace the multifarious perceptions of the artificial human in history and performance, analyzing recurrent themes that transcend centuries and continents. Students will engage in historical and applied research, analyze performances, develop short puppet pieces, and complete a final research paper.
Class Materials (Required)
Book: THE ROUTLEDGE COMPANION TO PUPPETRY AND MATERIAL PERFORMANCE (ebook available through NU library). COSTS: Live theatre attendance: 1-2 shows ($20-$40 total with student discounts)
Total cost estimate: $26-50