Intro to Acting for the Screen (376-0-20)
John W Mossman
Meeting Info
Wirtz 215 Instruct Black Box 3: Tues 12:00PM - 2:50PM
Overview of class
This lab-oriented course will address practices for acting on camera, as well as the more technical concerns of how actors place themselves in relationship to the camera for the most effective appearance onscreen. Prioritizing hands-on work, both in and out of class, and placing special emphasis on the actor-director relationship, you will perform in and direct a number of exercises to build acting skills in projects designed to focus on cinematic storytelling achieved primarily through performance rather than primarily through directorial technique, cinematography, editing, and sound design. Students will be exposed to a range of performance methods employed by screen actors and directors.
Registration Requirements
No preregistration, by permission number only. This course is required for completion of the Acting for Screen Module.
Email module coordinator Prof. Parsons,, to request a permission number.
In your email, you must indicate your class year and the quarters in which you completed the prerequisites: RTVF 190 and an acting class (either THEATRE 171 or 273-1).
Learning Objectives
Students will perform a number of exercises to build skills in scene analysis and different performance styles, with a goal of beginning to develop their own practice for relating and performing to camera in both shooting and audition settings. Students will also learn and demonstrate practices in camerawork and editing to best capture and modulate performance.
Teaching Method
This class will function as a sort of performance-driven workshop, contending with a few different processes for performance and direction. It will involve reading and discussion of acting and cinema theory to help focus our work, but it will always chiefly concern hands-on performance for camera, and shooting for performance.
Class Materials (Required)
Readings, screening material, and audio media will be provided by instructor via canvas. Students will be responsible for simple props, costumes, and other basic supplies necessary for production of shooting assignments.
Class Notes
Intro to Acting for Screen (cross-listed with THEATRE 376-0)