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Advanced Acting Topics (375-0-25)


We the Ensemble


Mildred Ruiz-Sapp

Steven Sapp

Brandon Mckay Greenhouse

Meeting Info

Wirtz Center STRUB: Mon, Wed 3:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

The Latinx Theatre Special Topics class is a hybrid scene study-history/lit/crit course designed to explore the richness of contemporary Latinx theatre in the United States. Half of the quarter is spent on the close reading of a spectrum of Latinx plays, discussion about their relevance in the broader American Theatre, and skype conversations with some of the playwrights. The second half of the quarter is all scene study and monologue work from a cross section of the plays read. In addition, each student is required to present on one play, and write a two-page reflection paper at the end of the quarter. There will generally be one play assigned per class, with each play assigned one student presenter. The student presenters are responsible for introducing the play in class, initiating discussions, capturing thematic issues, and identifying pivotal scenes, which will generally be read in class. The professor will support the student presenters as needed but it is the student presenters' responsibility to organize the discussions and readings as they see fit, according to how their particular play moves them and impacts their imaginations. The class will culminate in final scene and monologue performances, and a critical/creative paper that engages a shared theme across two plays from the reading list of the students' choice.