Advanced Acting Topics (375-0-23)
Chicago Theatre Scene Study
David Catlin
Meeting Info
Wirtz Center STRUB: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:50PM
Overview of class
What traits, temperaments, and skills enable the actor to contribute to collaborative theatre-making? Responding to the theme, Transforming Worlds, students will select content from a variety of fiction and/or non-fiction sources such as world mythologies, poetry, origin stories, fairytales, folktales, tall-tales, short stories, original writing, personal narrative, news reporting, scientific journals, biographical and/or historical research, etc.
Drawing from Lookingglass methodologies for ensemble creation and theatrical invention, students will engage in a series of collaborative creative processes to transform fiction and/or nonfiction source material into the dramatic medium through collective-devising and embodiment. Students will be empowered to challenge the boundaries of the traditional form with twenty-first century innovation to create theatre relevant to the moment we live in now. As collaborators, students will take turns guiding and supporting the vision of the pieces that are created throughout the quarter.
Class Materials (Required)
Additional course materials to be supplied by instructor or available on-line or from library.
Costumes, Props, Objects, Sound, & Lighting to be sourced from readily available and free sources (i.e. already owned, found, or borrowed).