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Topics in Sound Production (401-0-22)


Open Your Ears: The Practice of Field Recording


Christina Nguyen

Meeting Info

Louis Hall 105: Wed 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Through exercises focusing on moving our bodies and tuning our ears, this course will question what we hear, expand how we talk about sound, and challenge the perspectives of field recording. We'll use the Situationist International technique of dérives, engage in Pauline Oliveros' Deep Listening, and practice physical movements to get the quietest mic handling we can. You'll keep a sound journal to track your listening skills, get hands-on practice with different microphone set-ups, capture a soundscape in 1 take, build a class sound library, and create edited soundscapes in Pro Tools. Classes will consist of discussions of our collective learning experience with sound, technical demonstrations, in class projects, and group critique.

Pause, listen, and lean in closer -- this is how we open your ears.

Learning Objectives

Students will develop their critical listening skills and enhance their ability to write and discuss sound ideas while also learning basic sound recording techniques in the field and practice sound editing, design and mixing using Pro Tools.

Class Materials (Required)

All readings will be provided on Canvas. You will need access to a laptop and Pro Tools software which is available in the SoundTank lab or for an EDU subscription of $9.99/month.

There will be multiple recording assignments. Equipment is available through Louis Cage and Sound Arts North. Please follow all Cage protocols, obtain a deposit card, and reserve your equipment via WebCheckout in advance of when you plan to use it.