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Topics in Sound Production (401-0-21)


The Art of the Podcast


Sarah Geis

Meeting Info

Frances Searle 1111 SoundTank: Mon 10:00AM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

In this course, students will gain familiarity with the contemporary podcast landscape and its history, and leave with the skills to produce original narrative audio work. Each week, students will complete a short "low-stakes" audio assignment, while working toward a final project of an original podcast pilot episode. Throughout the quarter, students will listen to and critique audio documentary, fiction, and chat shows, and experience a professional-style podcast editing process. This course is appropriate for students with a background in sound who are interested in digging into interviewing and story, as well as journalists wanting to stretch their wings and play with new forms. Audio editing will not be taught in class.

Learning Objectives

Students will become familiar with the fast-growing world of narrative audio storytelling and its opportunities; practice new modes of critical listening and analysis; and develop basic podcast production skills including story choice, interviewing, narrative structure and sound design.

Teaching Method

Class participation, weekly short audio assignments, final podcast "pilot" project

Class Materials (Required)

  • A device that records.

  • Access to a DAW (digital audio workstation - for instance, a free trial of

  • Dedicated listening notebook

Class Notes

All audio and reading will be shared in class, with links on CANVAS.