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Topics in Media Writing (360-0-26)


Writing the Sketch


Denise E Ryan

Meeting Info

Louis Hall 106: Tues 1:00PM - 2:20PM
Louis Hall 106: Thurs 1:00PM - 2:20PM

Overview of class

Students will write and perform sketches based on The Second City style. We will learn improv skills, sketch structure and comic sensibility and voice. The goal of the class is to have a deeper understanding of what makes comedy work and how to improvise to write and rewrite as a team. Students will leave class with a sketch packet and there will be a final sketch performance.

Learning Objectives

A deeper understanding on how comedy works, the game of the scene, heightening, character, satire and genre in building comedy. A final show.

Teaching Method

The two classes per week will be split between improvising material on our feet and rewriting with the goal of putting up a final show. Students will be required to take a deeper dive into sketch and satire by watching and discussing video sketches on youtube.

See a Hundred Shows: Do a Hundred Shows: We usually see a show together in Chicago and I try to get the cheapest tickets I can.
Extra Credit: TBD.
Bravery, commitment, patience

Class Materials (Required)

Improvise. Scene from the Inside Out, second edition, by Mick Napier, Meriwether Publishing, ISBN 978-1-56608-198-6
Comedy Writing for Late Night TV Joe Toplyn; copyright 2014, Twenty Lane Media, LLC: ISBN: 0615953891

Final Draft or Screenwriting Software

Youtube access

Class Materials (Suggested)

Jim Corley - 15 jokes in 30 Minutes on Youtube.
Second to None by HMS Media a documentary on the making of a Second City review.
Days and Nights at The Second City by Bernie Sahlins, Ivan R. Dee publisher; copyright 2002.
College Humor
The Onion
Monty Python
The Lonely Island
Key & Peele

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Students must have completed RTVF 260-0 in order to register for this course (concurrent registration is not allowed) Students must have completed RTVF 260-0 in order to register for this course (concurrent registration is not allowed)