Topics in Interactive Media (376-0-22)
Interactive Sound Design
Stephan Moore
Meeting Info
Frances Searle 1101 SoundTank: Tues 10:00AM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
Over the past two decades, through the increasing sophistication of video game soundtracks, virtual reality environments, and increasingly diverse forms of interactive media, the potential applications of interactive sound designs have increasingly broadened. With an eye on the future, this class explores the possibility of creating sound designs for media projects based on algorithmic procedures, using the multimedia programming language Max. We will learn approaches to sound design across a range of conceptual areas, including basic sound synthesis, audio signal processing, generative musical structures, software instrument design, and controller-based interaction. No previous programming experience is required.
Registration Requirements
Undergraduate students enrolling from within the Department of RTVF must have taken RTVF 190, or have obtained instructor permission. Students enrolled in the SAI Masters program may enroll without any prerequisite. Students wishing to enroll from outside of these programs (Doc Media MFA, Music Technology, Computer Science, etc.) must obtain instructor permission.
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the fundamentals of interactive audio programming, with the ability to conceive and execute interactive systems through a variety of approaches.
- Gain the ability to read and understand code written by others.
- Appreciate the current actual and potential applications of these skills, with a sense of the wider field in which these methods are applied as well as alternatives to the Max programming language that are available.
- Apply these skills to specific areas (installation art, theater, musicianship, etc.) that are of particular interest to each individual student.
Teaching Method
Students are evaluated on class attendance and participation, four incremental assignments of increasing complexity, and a final project.
Class Materials (Required)
There is no textbook for this course, and all materials (readings, code, MIDI controllers, etc.) will be provided in Canvas or as checkouts from the Equipment Cage system. Additionally, students are encouraged to obtain and maintain a secure method for storing and backing up their class projects, which will be at their own expense. Students will be given access to the SoundTank computer lab (where the class meets) to use course software (Max) at the computer stations in that location. Students wishing to complete the assignments on their own computers will need to obtain a licensed copy of the programming environment Max by Cycling74. All first-time users are given a fully-operational 30-day free trial of the software, after which the software must be purchased. The cost of the software, with an academic discount applied, is $9.99/month or $59/year, or $175 for a permanent license. Full details are available at Students wishing to work outside the lab must also have a computer (Mac or PC) that meets or exceeds the minimum system requirements for Max, posted at