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Field Study/Internship in Performance Studies (331-0-1)

Meeting Info


Overview of class

This is a course comprised of observing and assisting on two separate processes. The first is the pre-production process for a new opera production at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. Students would begin soon: studying the opera, attending design meetings (remotely) and participating in communications regarding casting and other production issues. Final designs are due mid-October. Production is in the fall of 2023 and there is the possibility that students could continue with the production then. The second process is the remounting of the production The Steadfast Tin Soldier which would begin rehearsals November 1st at Lookingglass Theater in Chicago. Student would attend pre-production meetings, casting, rehearsals, previews and - once the show was opened - visit the
show once a week to note and report on it. Enrollment is by permission after conversation with the instructor and is limited to 2 to 3 students.