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School of Communication EPICS Internship Seminar (325-0-1)


Kate Holst Test

Meeting Info


Overview of class

This course is available to School of Communication students who intern 8-40 hours per week with employers throughout the world. Students are required to submit a Handshake application (including an offer letter and position description), midterm assessment and final evaluation and participate in an asynchronous, online course. May be subject to internship course-credit limits; students should consult their academic advisor before applying.

Registration Requirements

Students will need to submit a Handshake application. They will be enrolled in the course by the EPICS Office.

Learning Objectives

1. Develop insights and demonstrate a greater understanding of career goals through active reflection of professional experimentation and exploration of chosen industry.
2. Collaborate with instructor and supervisor to create personal objectives to expand current skills and identify development opportunities.