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SoC First Year Seminar: Interdisciplinary Topics in Communication Arts & Sciences (101-0-2)


Improving Patient Provider Communication


Leigh Cohen

Kimberly Brook Pusateri

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 2378: Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

In this course, students will learn how to improve patient-provider communication. Specifically, space will be created to lean in to challenging conversations, honor differences, and facilitate powerful communication regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare. Students will work collaboratively to understand actionable steps to improve patient-provider interactions as we practice mindfulness, demonstrate compassion, dismantle implicit bias, embrace cultural humility, and create a dialogue regarding our humanity within the world of healthcare. As a result, students who take this course will become more mindful, educated, and effective communicators.

Registration Requirements

Enrollment is restricted to SoC undergraduate first year students.

Learning Objectives

1.To deepen understanding about, and encourage enthusiasm for, research related to diversity. 2.To learn about how scholars from different disciplines examine scientific questions, including the varied methods they use in the process. 3.To engage with scholars from across SoC, including through thoughtful in-class questions and discussion. 4.To consider the many different aspects of the field for communication could be examined and understood and even what cross-disciplinary collaboration might look like.

Class Attributes

SOC First-Year Seminar