Team Dynamics (309-0-20)
Mindy Magrane
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall 303: Wed 9:30AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
In this course, we will explore team dynamics, those forces that influence a team's behavior and performance, enhancing or hindering potential for impact. We will analyze the contributors to team functioning and their interrelationships at multiple levels: intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and organizational. Key topics include team development, team make-up and roles, leadership and followership, decision-making, navigating conflict, collaboration and competition, effective communication, content vs. process, diversity and in-group/out-group tensions. Throughout the class, students will be analyzing and applying concepts through case studies and simulations. Assignments to demonstrate mastery include regular written individual papers, a personal learning and development plan and a team project. This course is suitable for undergraduate students in LOC, HDC and related majors throughout Northwestern that are interested in leadership, teams/groups or organizational change.
Teaching Method
Attendance expected at all classes given experiential, team-based nature of course
Evaluation Method
Team project, individual papers, personal learning and development plan, class participation & attendance
Class Materials (Required)
"Group Dynamics for Teams", 5th or 6th edition. Daniel Levi
Class Attributes
Attendance at 1st class mandatory