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Repertoire Studies (493-0-1)


Opera Repertoire


Roger Pines

Meeting Info

Regenstein Hall of Music MCR: Mon 9:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

The course will help to prepare students for the professional world by examining one of the most essential and challenging elements of professional singing - auditions. Every aspect will be considered, such as:
1) the résumé;
2) the creation of repertoire lists;
3) the research regarding the particular organization and personnel for which a singer is auditioning;
4) the audition itself, from the singer's entrance onstage to introduction, performance, and exit;
5) every possible circumstance a singer may face within the audition venue.

Learning Objectives

Each student will be expected to have two suitable lists of five possible audition arias (with one of the two lists ready to perform), and a thorough understanding of how they should proceed in all aspects of the actual audition. The ultimate goal of the course is to help students actually enjoy auditioning (rather than dreading it or being intimidated by it).

Teaching Method

In each class session:
1) students will engage with the instructor in very extensive discussions of each element of the audition process.
2) With the limitless resource of YouTube, it will be possible for the class as a group to watch individuals in formal auditions and critique them, observing both the right way and the wrong way to audition.
3) Students will most probably be asked to be participants in a variety of instructive "improv" situations replicating the audition process.
4) It is anticipated that there will be at least one written assignment, in which students will be asked to choose auditions seen online and critique them.
5) Each class session will involve the students' own singing - most probably four students per session (depending on the size of the class). The feedback students receive will be given in the most constructive way possible and with maximum consideration for each student, whether coming from the instructor or from fellow students.

Evaluation Method

The students will be evaluated on:
1) their class participation;
2) the degree of thoroughness and attention they to detail in preparing their resumé and aria lists;
3) the seriousness with which they address audition feedback, whether receiving it themselves or offering it to a colleague;
4) their attention to any written assignment;
5) the thoroughness of their preparation and execution of all performances - including, above all, the mock audition that will serve as the final. They will be expected to handle the final exactly as they would a professional audition, in terms of not only their performance but also the way they comport themselves in every moment of the audition.

Class Materials (Required)

None at this time.

Class Materials (Suggested)

None at this time.

Class Notes

In the business of opera, auditioning is one of the most sensitive subjects for all singers at any stage of the career. With this in mind, the class should be regarded by students at all times as a safe space, in which any comments or opinions should be expressed with thoughtfulness and maturity by all concerned.