Graduate Vocal Pedagogy (423-0-1)
Theresa A Brancaccio
MAB 711 Elgin Rd, Evanston IL
Please see faculty profiles
Meeting Info
RCMA Lower Level 115: Thurs 9:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
Voice production, physiology and basic voice acoustics.
Learning Objectives
To know the fundamentals of laryngeal anatomy and healthy vocal production; posture, breath, resonance, articulation.
To understand the basic concepts of voice acoustics and vocal resonance and their application to singing.
To reinforce habits for consistent vocal health.
To gain important background skills for those who may go on to teach voice.
Teaching Method
Reading assignments
Class Discussions
Tracking the Voice with Singer Savvy app
Observation of voice lessons
Acoustic Software Voce Vista
Evaluation Method
Take-home quizzes
Voice Tracking submitted
Lesson Observation forms submitted
Final research presentation
Attend individual Voce Vista session
Class Materials (Required)
Ragan, K (2020). A Systematic Approach to Voice:The Art of Studio Application.
San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing $64.95
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-223-7
- Journal of Singing through NU Library Online access
-Instructor's Vocal Ped Studio Library
Class Materials (Suggested)
A Smartphone, tablet or computer, notebook