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Analysis of Recorded Performance (440-0-1)


Daniel Shanahan

Meeting Info

RCMA Lower Level 121: Mon, Wed 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This class provides an overview of the recent literature in music theory and cognition, focusing on articles published in the main journals of these fields. Students will engage with the current themes in the literature, while also situating these readings within a broader historical context in the field.

Registration Requirements

This class is intended for graduate students.

Learning Objectives

From using metronomes to analyze expressive timing to the use of algorithms to provide listeners with recommended playlists, the usage of techniques for the analysis of recorded performance has experienced a rapid growth in the past few decades. In this class, we will examine performance practice in the 20th and 21st centuries through the analysis of recordings, looking at-and performing our own-analyses of tempo, rubato, portamento, and timbre, while also exploring contemporary metrics used by streaming platforms such as Spotify and Pandora.

Teaching Method

Class meetings will consist of presentations, discussions, and in-class activities.

Evaluation Method

There will be weekly assignments, as well as a final project consisting of a paper and a presentation.

Class Materials (Required)

All materials will be provided.