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Topics in Contemporary Repertoire (337-0-1)


Voice vs. Narrative - Contemporary Opera


Hans Thomalla

Meeting Info

RCMA Lower Level 121: Tues 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

The class will undertake a survey of 20th and 21st century operas with a special focus on works with innovative positions towards the relation of music (voice) and narrative. After a brief analysis of the point of departure (Wagner's "Tristan", Berg's "Wozzeck") we will discuss works that have radically challenged the traditional understanding of opera: Phillip Glass' "Einstein On the Beach", Morton Feldman's
 "Neither", Chaya Czernowin's "Pnima", Helmut Lachenmann's "Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern" as well as works by Liza Lim, and David T. Little. Furthermore, we will look at tendencies in contemporary theater and dance, (Wilson, Wooster Group, Forsythe, Bausch) and discuss aesthetic concepts that influence contemporary opera composition. An important part of the class will be a creative workshop: the students will work on drafting an opera project.

Registration Requirements

There are no registration requirements.

Learning Objectives

Gain insight into contemporary opera composition and explore ideas for an opera project developed by the student.

Teaching Method

Lecture / workshop / discussion

Evaluation Method

Midterm presentation, final presentation, class preparation

Class Materials (Required)

None, PDF readings will be provided by instructor.