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Paradigms and Processes of Research in Music Teaching and Learning (523-0-1)


Steven Morrison

Meeting Info

RCMA Lower Level 115: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

This course explores fundamentals of designing and implementing research that focuses on human participants. We will consider the basics of quantitative and qualitative approaches to inquiry, explore the development of compelling research questions, and develop strategies to evaluate published studies. A helpful first step for graduate students considering topics, projects, or theses that focus on musical behavior.

Registration Requirements

Appropriate for any music graduate student with an interest in research in music behavior.

Learning Objectives

• Explore and utilize resources designed to assist with the discovery of relevant existing research,
• Interpret and evaluate models of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, and
• Propose research questions, ways in which they could be investigated, potential outcomes, and implications for music learning, teaching, performance, or understanding.

Class Materials (Required)

• Performing Music Research (Williamon, Ginsborg, Perkins, & Waddell), Oxford University Press, 2021. ISBN: 9780198714545 $40
• Salsa Dancing into the Social Sciences (Luker), Harvard University Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780674048218 $25

Class Materials (Suggested)

• How to Write A Lot (Silvia), APA, 2nd ed., 2018
• Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed., 2020
• Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, University of Chicago Press; 9th ed., 2018