Seminar in Ethnomusicology (523-0-1)
Ethnographic Field Methods
Inna Naroditskaya
Specialist in Azerbaijanian and Eastern music cultures, Russian music, gender studies, and diasporas. Author, articles and reviews in Ethnomusicology and Asian Music as well as essays and articles in Azerbaijanian and Russian publications; producer of numerous radio programs. Author, Song from the Land of Fire: Azerbaijanian Mugam in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods (Routledge, 2003). Editor, Music and the Sirens (Indiana University Press, 2006); co-editor, Manifold Identities: Studies on Music and Minorities (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2004). Recipient of Center for the Education of Women prize, Rackham research grant, Harvard University Davis Senior Fellowship, the Rockefeller Bellagio Scholarly Residency, and funding from the International Institute and School of Music at the University of Michigan.
Meeting Info
RCMA Lower Level 113: Mon 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
Ethnomusicology Seminar focuses on the critical foundation of the field - musical ethnography. The course deals with extensive current literature in ethnomusicology, covering topics such as Medical Ethnomusicology, Urban Music Studies, Issues of gender and research of different musical cultures, race, music and war, as well as virtual ethnomusicology. Graduate colleagues attending the seminar take an active role in selecting and discussing the literature. They also develop individual ethnomusicological projects and undertake fieldwork study in Chicago. Graduate students often pursue research topics that they later develop and present at conferences.