Introduction to Music (170-0-1)
Valeria Isabel Chavez Roncal
Meeting Info
RCMA 1-168: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
Why do we listen to music? How is our experience of music influenced by external factors (such as venue) and by internal factors (including our personal musical tastes)? This course will take a topical approach, introducing students to diverse musical traditions in historical and cultural contexts, along with various modes of listening. Exploring musical repertoire ranging from classical to popular, the course is designed to provide students with the foundational skills and vocabulary to engage critically with the material and with music beyond the course as well. Students will reflect on their own musical experiences as well as observing performances throughout the quarter. Assignments will include journals, short written assignments, and a final paper/project. No prior musical training is required.
Class Materials (Required)
None required for purchase. Assigned reading, listening, and other materials will be available on CANVAS.
Class Attributes
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area