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Manufacturing Methods for Product Design (346-0-20)


Michael Beltran
Technological Institute, Rm AG28, 2145 Sheridan Rd, EV CAMPUS

Meeting Info

Ford Hive Rm 2350: Mon, Wed, Fri 11:30AM - 1:00PM

Overview of class

Design for fabrication is an introduction to manufacturing processes including casting, injection molding, additive manufacturing, extrusion, machining, joining, and forming, using materials commonly found in modern consumer and industrial products. Online lectures will be paired with weekly, hands-on labs where students will be able to apply theory of manufacturing processes to the design of parts and process tooling for various fabrication methods. Focus will be placed on the exploration of part design and process parameters, to obtain an optimal outcome for a given manufacturing process. Students will become proficient in both the advantages and limitations of various fabrication methods, in order to better prepare them for the design of a component and implementation into a production line.

Students will fabricate multiple small products during the course, using lab sessions to create components by different manufacturing methods. Weekly homework will involve studies of various manufacturing methods, optimization and/or choice of fabrication method for a given part, and practice & preparation for in-lab manufacturing.

Registration Requirements

DSGN 106-1,2 and one of the following: DSGN 240, ME240, or DSGN 245, or instructor approval of previous CAD experience.

Class Notes

DSGN 346 is taken by MaDE undergraduate students. MaDE students may petition for this course to count in place of the of the ME 340-1 degree requirement.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: DSGN 106-1 and 106-2, and MECH_ENG 240 or instructor approval of previous CAD experience. MaDE students may petition for this course to count in place of the of the ME 340-1 degree requirement.