Service Design Studio I (382-1-1)
Amy O'Keefe
Meeting Info
Ford Studio 3 Rm 3210: Tues 12:30PM - 3:20PM
Overview of class
This course is part of a 2-quarter sequence.
In this service design studio students will explore a human centered approach to the design of services. Students will explore and apply design thinking to a client sponsored project and synthesize both user and client needs to the design of tangible consumer touch-points. This may include experiences plans, digital interface designs, communication models, organizational designs, systems and/or brand tonality deliverables. Coursework will be workshop based with a majority of team assignments supported by specific individual responsibilities.
Class Attributes
SDG Sustnble Cities&Commnities
SDG Innovation & Infrastructure
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: DSGN 305-0 or DSGN 306-0 or DSGN 308-0; or consent of instructor. Reserved for Juniors and Seniors.
Add Consent: Instructor Consent Required