Theory of Structures I (221-0-01)
Eric Vincent Garcia
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G01: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Overview of class
Structural Idealization, Loads, Free body diagrams, Reactions, Determinacy,
Plane trusses, Shear and moment diagrams, Beam theory, Virtual work, Stability,
Force method, Slope deflection, Matrix analysis, Computer analysis, Moment
distribution, SAP2000 software.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, students will have the necessary skills to:
1. Describe what a limit state is in a structure
2. Use tributary area method to determine loads on a structure
3. Use load and resistance factors to conduct a conceptual design
4. Classify a structure as determinate or indeterminate
5. Analyze determinate and indeterminate trusses and frames
6. Determine the deflections of structures under load using virtual work
7. Analyze an indeterminate structure using various methods: consistent
displacement, slope deflection, and matrix methods
8. Determine buckling stability of axial compression members
9. Use SAP2000 to conduct linear-elastic analyses of planar structures
Evaluation Method
Grading Policy: Grades between 0 and 100 are assigned based upon the level of mastery of the
subject by the student. Grades will not be curved.
Homework: Weekly homework assignments. Neatness and presentation will be evaluated.
Final Grade: 0.40 (homework) + 0.30 (2 midterm exams, 0.15 each) + 0.30 (final exam)
Class Materials (Suggested)
R.C. Hibbeler, Structural Analysis, 10th edition or older (recommended).
SAP2000 Structural Analysis software. Student version at .
Class Attributes
SDG Sustnble Cities&Commnities
SDG Innovation & Infrastructure
Associated Classes
LAB - Technological Institute F281: Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM