Mediation and Advocacy (675-1)
Alyson Carrel
Bluhm Legal Clinic, 859
Office Hours: Tu/Thr 12-1
Meeting Info
Online: Tues 4:30PM - 7:30PM
Overview of class
NOTE: A portion of the course will consist of mediation skills training conducted by the Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR, For Fall 2023, all students must attend a mandatory training session from The Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR) on Saturday, September 23 from 8:30am-5:00pm. This training, and all trainings by CCR, will take place on zoom.
Students planning to participate in the 4-credit hour Mediation Practicum during the spring semester will receive additional training and must attend an additional weekend training on September 30 & October 1.
All other training sessions will take place during regularly schedule class.
Evaluation Method
Class Participation (30%)
Mediation Representation Plan & Attny/Client Opening Statement (20%)
Group Video Presentation (20%)
Final Project/Paper (20%)
Reflection paper/presentation of a court mediation observation (10%)
Class Attributes
First Class Attendance Required
Satisfies Experiential Learning degree req
Civil Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Synchronous:Class meets remotely at scheduled time
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Negotiation is a pre-requisite for this course
Add Consent: Department Consent Required
Drop Consent: Department Consent Required