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Federalist Papers (727-1)


Richard J Hoskins
Office Hours: Wednesday afternoons or after class on Thursdays

Meeting Info

McCormick 185 - Sidley Hall: Thurs 4:30PM - 6:20PM

Overview of class

The purpose of this seminar is to achieve a deep understanding of the constitutional issues debated at the time of the ratification of the Constitution, as articulated by three of its most prominent advocates. Your paper will explore a particular issue of constitutional history or law as informed by the arguments and insights contained in the Papers and the debates.

Registration Requirements

No prerequisites for second- or third-year students.

Evaluation Method

40% draft paper; 40% final paper; 20% class attendance and preparedness.

Class Materials (Required)

40% draft paper; 40% final paper; 20% class attendance and preparedness.

Class Materials (Suggested)

1. The Federalist, ed. J.R. Pole (Hackett Publ. Co., 2005).
ISBN (10 digits): 0872207110 -or- ISBN (13 digits): 9780872207110.

2. The Anti-Federalist: Writings by the Opponents of the Constitution, ed. Herbert J. Storing, selected by Murray Dry (Univ. of Chicago Press, 1985).
ISBN (10 digits): 0226775658 -or- ISBN (13 digits): 9780226775654

Class Attributes

Satisfies Research Writing degree req

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: MSL Students are not eligible to enroll