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Advanced Legal Writing: Writing for the Court (628-1)


Janet Brown
Levy Mayer 292

Meeting Info

Rubloff Building 339: Wed 2:35PM - 4:25PM

Registration Requirements

Communication and Legal Reasoning I and II (or their equivalent) is a prereq

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of: (1) the fundamentals of judicial decision-making and writing; (2) various styles and approaches to judicial writing; and (3) the role of the law clerk in this process. Through exercises and assignments, you will be better equipped to: (1) identify and analyze legal and factual issues before the court; (2) research and write as an impartial decision-maker; and (3) cite-check, edit, and polish your legal writing.

Teaching Method

Ungraded in-class exercises

Class Materials (Required)


Class Attributes

Satisfies Experiential Learning degree req
Satisfies Prof Writing degree req

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Communication and Legal Reasoning I and II are pre-requisites for this course.