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Women, Gender and Human Rights (682-1)


Megan Osadzinski

Meeting Info

McCormick 381 - Cutting Hall: Wed 4:30PM - 6:20PM

Overview of class

This seminar will examine the treatment in international human rights law of issues relating to women and gender. Topics to be covered include, among others: gender-based violence; family and reproductive rights; gender identity rights; militarized and institutionalized sexual violence; and discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation and gender identity. We will focus close attention on the relevant treaties and related instruments, as well as on the practice and jurisprudence of international courts. Examples will also be drawn from domestic legislation and decisions of national courts, particularly under US law.

Registration Requirements

Pre-req: International Human Rights recommended but not required.

Learning Objectives

By end of course, students should be able to identify specific human rights issues related to gender and recognize the promises and shortcomings of the international human rights structures in protecting gender rights. Students will also be able to apply specific legal analysis to competing conceptions of rights or competing strategies for the furtherance of the rights of women, gender non-conforming persons, and the LGBT+ community.

Evaluation Method

60% final paper; 20% group oral presentation; 20% class participation

Class Attributes

Satisfies Research Writing degree req
Administrative Law and Government
Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law or Procedure an element
Criminal Law and Procedure Practice Area
Family Law Practice Area in course
Civil and Human Rights
International Law PracticeArea in course
Labor and Employment Law present in course
Public Interest

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: MSL Students are not eligible to enroll