Advanced Topics Sociology (387-0-70)
Refugees in/from Arab World
Suzanne Hammad
Meeting Info
Northwestern Qatar Room 3-203: Mon, Wed 8:30AM - 9:45AM (AST)
Overview of class
This course addresses the issue of displaced people and refugees in and from the Arab world, taking the cases of Sudan, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, and one other to be collectively defined. The course adopts a holistic approach to the study of refugees grounded largely on peopled perspectives, and drawing upon sociological, ethnographic, and historical material. Less focused on causes of refugee movements, we will look into the meanings of displacement through refugees' experiences, how they adapt to their new situations and find ways to overcome challenges, how local and international organizations and communities respond to refugee influxes in short-term and protracted situations, and how different media and formats represent refugees and issues. Students will be exposed to the work of anthropologists, sociologists, historians, journalists, aid workers, policy makers, literary authors/artists, and voices of refugees themselves. This insight will equip future communicators and journalists with knowledge of issues and formats to engage in meaningful work around refugees.
Registration Requirements
- Prerequisites: None
- Open to sophomores and above
- Open for cross-registration
- Satisfies Middle East Studies Minor and Media and Politics Minor
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for sophomore, juniors, and seniors only.