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Topics in Sociology (242-0-70)


Introduction to Sociology


Hasan Mahmud

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room 3-203: Mon, Wed 10:00AM - 11:15AM (AST)

Overview of class

The course offers students basic concepts and training to critically analyze societies, and the social positions of various actors and institutions. The primary aim of this course is to train the students in the quality of Sociological Imagination - the ability to see the interaction between individual's biography and history. Through readings, discussions and writing assignments, it will develop students' abilities to think critically about social issues, and to articulate these ideas in writing. Whether or not students choose to continue studying sociology outside of this course, gaining knowledge of the sociological perspective is a valuable tool for any individual because social structure impacts all members of society. After completing this course, students will have a better understanding of their social world and be able to develop and articulate informed personal opinions on social issues. In addition, students will gain the knowledge necessary to pursue future studies in sociology if desired, as well as critical thinking and analytical skills that will be useful in everyday life.

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: None

  • Open to first year students, sophomores and ABP Dual Enrolled students

  • Open for cross-registration

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: Seats are reserved for Sophomore and Freshmen only.