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Topics in Political Science (242-0-70)


Debates in Comp Politics


Yasmeen Mekawy

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room 3-216: Mon, Wed 11:30AM - 12:45PM (AST)

Overview of class

Comparative politics is the systematic study of domestic politics around the world. What are the politics and how do they work in this place? How do politics in this place relate to other cases and larger theories and patterns? This class takes an in-depth look at regime type (democracy, authoritarianism, and hybrid regimes) and political transitions, especially revolutions, through case studies that include India, Russia, and countries of the Arab Spring (Egypt, Tunisia, and Syria). This class provides a solid foundation for students to delve deeper into the big political questions and events that are of particular interest to them.

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: None

  • Open to first year students and sophomores and ABP Dual Enrolled students

  • Open for cross-registration

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: Seats are reserved for Sophomore and Freshmen only.