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Topics in Interactive Media (376-0-70)


AI Tools for Digital Media


Spencer Striker

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room 1-225: Mon, Wed 10:00AM - 11:15AM (AST)

Overview of class

AI Tools for Digital Media Design explores the integration of AI into creative domains, including design, illustration, vfx, and animation. Students will acquire technical proficiency in cutting-edge AI tools, harnessing their potential for innovative content creation. Students will learn to seamlessly blend these tools into their creative process, enhancing output and efficiency. The course comprises three primary components: (1) Theoretical knowledge development to understand the scope and potential of AI in creative production. (2) Technical knowledge development through hands-on training with various AI tools. (3) Creative application of AI knowledge and skills via unique projects, showcasing the transformative power of AI for creative expression. Upon successful completion, students will understand the integral role of AI in modern creative production and be able to demonstrate a practical understanding of using AI tools for content creation across a suite of current platforms.

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: MIT 190-0

  • Open to juniors and above, MIT majors only

  • MIT Technical-Practical Course

  • Satisfies Film and Design Minor

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: MIT majors only, Juniors and above who have completed MIT 190