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Topics in F/V/A Production (379-0-72)


Lighting Design


Nissryne Dib

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room G-220: Mon 5:30PM - 8:30PM (AST)

Overview of class

Practical approaches to lighting on stage and on-site. This is a production-heavy and technical course. Throughout the semester, you will learn to describe light and create a mood with available light sources and equipment. You will light short scenes/vignettes and learn about exposure technology available to you. Finally, you will learn the fundamentals of color grading and how to create a LUT. Please note that you will be allowed to test the lighting of a particularly tricky scene from a script you are currently working on or color correct footage you have shot outside the class.

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: MIT 190-0

  • Open to sophomores and above, MIT majors only

  • MIT Technical-Practical Course

  • Satisfies Film and Design Minor

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: MIT majors only. Students who completed MIT 190, Sophomores and above.