Journalistic Storytelling Across Media (201-0-70)
Abraham Abusharif
Meeting Info
Northwestern Qatar Room 1-300: Tues, Su 10:00AM - 11:15AM (AST)
Overview of class
Students will produce a range of journalism stories across a variety of forms and platforms: writing for print and digital outlets, as well as creating audio, video and interactive graphics. You will also learn how to amplify your storytelling by tapping into social media tools to reach, attract and interact with a wider audience. This class is conducted in a collaborative atmosphere within a newsroom environment to produce stories prepared for the digital age. You will develop a strong sense of journalistic news judgment and be prepared to learn advanced areas of reporting and storytelling in future classes. This course builds on the introductory experiences in journalism received and techniques learned in your first year, developing these to master basic skills of journalism used in every storytelling format. These include news judgment, information gathering (including sourcing, discovering and covering different kinds of news, interviewing techniques, practices of inclusion and sensitivity); constructing stories (including leads, story structure, using quotes, using data to tell a story, assessing information); editing and presentation (grammar, punctuation, AP style, voice, tone and clarity); and visual literacy and presentation. This course emphasizes the critical practices of ethical journalism and deadline reporting and storytelling. The course also expands students' experience and skills in the use of multi-platform tools needed for effective, relevant and engaging storytelling for specific audiences. Professors will guide students in their continued development of reporting, interviewing, writing and researching with a sophisticated audience understanding using text, photos, audio and video for print, broadcast and/or digital platforms.
Registration Requirements
- Prerequisites: JOUR 202-0
- Open to sophomores only, Journalism majors only
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: Students who have completed JOUR 202-0 and Journalism majors, sophomores only.