Topics in Science and Technology Studies (242-0-70)
Introduction to Science & Technology Studies
Anto Mohsin
Meeting Info
Northwestern Qatar Room 2-256: Mon, Wed 8:30AM - 9:45AM (AST)
Overview of class
This course introduces the interdisciplinary field of science and technology studies (STS), which is the study of science and technology in social context. Drawing on insights from the history and sociology of science and technology, the course discusses topics related to how and why people shape, develop, use, adapt, and contest scientific knowledge and technologies. It introduces important concepts such as "everyday science" and "sociotechnical system" in order for students to understand how science works and how to think about our technological world.
Registration Requirements
- Prerequisites: None
- Open to first year students and sophomores
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: Seats are reserved for Sophomore and Freshmen only.