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First-Year Writing (103-1-71)


Jana Fedtke

Meeting Info

Northwestern Qatar Room 1-212: Tues, Su 8:30AM - 9:45AM (AST)

Overview of class

The primary goal of this course is to improve writing skills within an academic setting. It is designed to help a student become a more efficient and successful writer by also strengthening skills in reading and analyzing texts. It recognizes that writing is indeed a process. This means that whether a writer starts with a thesis, an outline, or an assigned topic, there will be many steps and missteps involved in producing the final essay. Multiple phases of the writing process will be carried out, such as workshop, peer review, and one‐on‐one conferences with the instructor. Each semester, a different theme will serve as a focal topic for readings, discussions, and writing assignments.

Registration Requirements

  • Prerequisites: None

  • First-Year Students only

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: Seats are reserved for Freshmen Only