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Gender, Sexuality, and Film (373-0-1)


Queer Temporalities in Film


Rongyi Lin

Meeting Info

Online: Mon, Wed 10:00AM - 12:30PM

Overview of class

Topic: Queer Temporalities.

From "it's just a phase" to "born this way," everyday characterizations of queer lives seem saturated with the language of time. Gender and sexual minorities throughout the history of literature and film have often been coded through subtext, appearing as figures with alternative relationships to time and ontology such as the ghostly, the animalistic, the transcendent. What modes of cultural production and ways of thinking might we associate with "queer temporality," and how do they challenge hegemonic notions of linear progress and futurity?

This course takes a temporal approach to queer theory by exploring cultural representations of queer subjects and structures of feelings which take up time and space differently. Through a number of gendered, racial, geopolitical, and aesthetic contexts including Afrofuturism, hauntology, kinship, and girlhood, the course asks what constitutes "queer time," how it has been made il/legible or un/productive, and for whom. We will read writings by Howard Chang, Lee Edelman, Elizabeth Freeman, Kara Keeling, Heather Love, Patricia White. Potential films and media texts include: Interview with A Vampire (Neil Jordan, 1994), The Last Angel of History (John Akomfrah, 1996), Goodbye Dragon Inn (Tsai Ming-Liang, 2003), "Tomboy" (G-Idle, 2022).

Teaching Method

screening, seminar

Class Materials (Required)

All materials will be provided on Canvas

Class Attributes

Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
Course Meets Online
Synchronous:Class meets remotely at scheduled time