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Interpreting Culture (202-0-20)


Sihan Wang

Meeting Info

Online: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 5:00PM

Overview of class

COMP_LIT 200-0-20 Introduction to Literary Theory:
Animals and East Asian Culture

Why are we so drawn to animals? How do we study animals in literary and media production? What do representations of animals in East Asian literature and media tell us about the human-animal relationship, culturally, ethically, and politically? In this course, we will focus on theories of animal studies and a selection of texts, including films and paintings, that use animals as characters, voices, symbols, or inspirations. We will critically engage with the texts as an introduction to the current debates in animal studies through the lens of East Asian culture, focusing on the twentieth and twentieth-first centuries. All readings will be in English.

Evaluation Method

Attendance and participation (20%)
Weekly posts (20%)
Short papers 15% each (30%)
Final project (30%)

Attendance and participation: You are expected to come to each class prepared to discuss the reading and/or viewing assignments. Participation is mandatory and since this participation requires your presence in the classroom, attendance is mandatory as well. You will be asked to participate in the class in a variety of ways.

Weekly posts: Weekly posts should be uploaded on Canvas the day before the Tuesday class. You are also expected to respond to the post of at least one other class member by the end of the week.

Short papers: 2 short responses (3 pages each), due by the end of Week 1 and Week 3. Short papers should be close analysis of a text, a painting, or a film that we discussed in class.

Final project: During the course, you will choose a topic for your final project and submit a proposal by the end of Week 3. The proposal consists of a brief description, 2-3 questions that you would like to consider for your project, and a list of sources. Your final project can be a paper (5-8 pages) or a video presentation (20 mins).

All late work will lose 10% of the assignment per day.

Class Attributes

Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
Synchronous:Class meets remotely at scheduled time