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Instructional Coaching and Evaluation (431-0-26)


Leading Professional Learning


Sharon Sheehan

Meeting Info

TBA: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 6:00PM

Overview of class

This course provides theoretical foundations and practical experiences regarding instructional coaching and teacher evaluation to improve teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Course participants will study varied models of instructional coaching and teacher evaluation, the distinction between coaching and teacher evaluation, the coaching cycle, teacher-coach relationships, and the evaluation of coaches, coaching, and teacher performance. To put theory into practice, each participant will practice newly learned coaching and teacher evaluation skills in class and/or in their school. Students will learn to mentor, motivate, and build trust with their colleagues. Students are expected to engage in reading, viewing and creating videos, analysis, reflection, discussion of information (texts and videos) both as a participant and as a group leader, and actively practice coaching skills in class. Assessment will be based on the quality of writing, participation, and presentation.