Strategic Crisis Communication (308-0-70)
Matthias Krug
Meeting Info
Northwestern Qatar Room 2-255: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 10:30AM - 12:30PM (AST)
Overview of class
The course provides specialized skills and knowledge about the role of strategic communication in preventing and/or alleviating the impact of crises on brands, nonprofit and commercial organizations. Unlike crisis management courses, we focus specifically on communication. We first discuss the theoretical frameworks that should guide organizations' internal and external strategic communication before, during and after an organizational crisis. We then examine in depth several recent case studies that illustrate how strategic communication was employed either very successfully or unsuccessfully, at different stages of crises, by small and large brands, companies or organizations. We will then develop alternative communication responses and start learning a range of skills that enable strategic communication professionals to function efficiently and effectively in crisis situations. These skills include: employing strategic communication messages and techniques to bolster organizational reputation and image before a crisis, and repair them after a crisis; developing a portfolio of message templates to position a crisis and respond in the initial stages of a crisis; "stealing thunder" by communicating strategically at the early stages of crises; offering media interviews and interacting with journalists and other stakeholders during a crisis; selecting, training or performing as an effective spokesperson; creating, stress testing and implementing a crisis communication plan; developing a portfolio of strategic communication messages that can be activated in case of crises; and many more.
Registration Requirements
- Prerequisites: None
- Open to sophomores and above
- Satisfies Strategic Communication Minor
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: NUQ: Students who have completed STRATCOM 303-0, sophomores and above