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Topics in Judaism (339-0-20)


American Judaism and Sacred Space


Ariel Gussie Schwartz

Meeting Info

University Hall 118: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

This course offers an in-depth study of the concept of "sacred space," engaging American Judaism for its case study repertoire. Rather than thinking broadly and linearly about the history of American Judaism, we will consider: What is sacred space? What makes or unmakes sacred space? How have sacred spaces shaped American Judaism, and how has American Judaism contributed to the formation of American sacred space? We will map the topography of American Jewish sacred spaces, both literal and conceptual, and we will consider the effects of American laws, practices, and norms on Jewish communities. As a central component of the course, students will craft their own "site biography," acquiring first-hand experience conducting ethnographic and historical research. Students will gain a critical understanding of "sacred space" as an academic construct and learn how Judaism uniquely germinated in American soil.

* Counts towards Religion, Law and Politics (RLP) religious studies rmajor concentration.

Teaching Method

Class Attributes

Ethics & Values Distro Area