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General Physics (135-3-01)


Deborah Anne Brown
Dearborn (2131 Tech Drive) room 10

Meeting Info

Technological Institute L211: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00AM - 9:50AM

Overview of class

This is a three-quarter sequence in calculus-based classical physics with an introduction to modern physics in the third quarter. It is intended for science and engineering majors and premedical students. PHYS 135-3 is the third and final section of the 135 sequence in General Physics. The overarching topic of 135-3 is waves in their various forms and manifestations. Specific topics to be covered are: -Mechanical waves -Sound waves -Electromagnetic waves and their applications in geometric optics -Interference and diffraction -Wave-particle duality of quantum physics and its consequences for atomic phenomena. -Special Theory of Relativity

Class Materials (Required)

Fundamentals of Physics (Wiley; 10th edition extended version) by Halliday, Resnick, & Walker. ISBN-13: 978-1118230725 Previous editions: Yes

Class Materials (Suggested)

Graphing Calculator Access to computer or iPad with webcam for use when taking exams online.

Class Attributes

Natural Sciences Distro Area

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Co-Requisite: Students must also register for Physics 136-3. Add both classes to the shopping cart and submit together for successful registration.