General Physics (135-1-01)
Gayle Lois Ratliff
Meeting Info
Technological Institute L211: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
This is the first quarter of a three-quarter sequence in calculus-based classical physics, with an introduction to modern physics in the third quarter. It is intended for science and engineering majors and premedical students. This course offers an introduction to fundamental topics in classical mechanics, including kinematics, relative motion, Newton's Laws, work and energy, linear and angular momentum, rigid body rotation, and orbital motion.
Class Materials (Required)
Access to Achieve online platform. Price: $55.99 Graphing calculator suggested. Textbook of your choice highly recommended. (Openstax ebook included with Achieve.)
Price Range: $0- $200
Class Attributes
Natural Sciences Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Co-requisite: Students must also register for PHYSICS 136-1. Add both classes to the shopping cart and submit together for successful registration.
Associated Classes
DIS - Technological Institute L211: Thurs 10:00AM - 10:50AM