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Topics in Latin American and Caribbean Studies (391-0-30)


Indigenous Resilience in Latin America since 1492


Roberto Rosado Ramirez
1810 Hinman Ave.

Meeting Info

ANTHRO Sem Rm B07 - 1810 Hinmn: Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Course title: Indigenous Resilience in Latin America after 1492

When Columbus' first expedition to Asia fortuitously reached the Americas in 1492, various native peoples with different cultures and languages, started to be called with the blanket term "Indians." In this course, you will learn about the diverse and complex experiences of Latin American Indigenous groups since the European invasions that started in the 16th century. Through readings and seminar-style discussions, we will trace the long history of conflicts between Indigenous peoples and the groups that have attempted to dominate, assimilate, and "modernize" them in the past five centuries. Through case studies, we will examine issues of race, ethnicity, and identity that have been crucial to these struggles. In this course we will focus on Indigenous agency, and how it is expressed through Indigenous resurgence, revitalization, resistance, and activism in Latin America. This course will highlight that, while Indigenous peoples in the Americas have endured marginalization, domination, and exploitation since the 16th century, being Indigenous in Latin America after Columbus is defined by a remarkable resilience against these forces.

Teaching Method


Evaluation Method

Attendance, Participation, Reading Reactions, Final Project

Class Materials (Required)

All of the readings for this course will come from articles and book chapters provided online through Canvas.