From the Avant-Garde to the Post-Modern (360-0-20)
Inextinguishable Fire
Stephen P Reinke
640 Lincoln St., Evanston Campus
Domietta Torlasco
1860 S. Campus Drive, Crowe Hall #2-131
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-435: Mon 5:00PM - 7:50PM
Overview of class
Did Godard understand Brecht? Perhaps Godard, in the end, was merely Godard. But Farocki understood Brecht and Godard and extended their work through films (documentary, essay, activist), installations and writings. He also understood contemporary Italian thinkers (Negri, Lazzarato, Virno) and their radical approach to labor, life, and creativity. In an incredibly large and varied body of work produced from the 1960s to the 2010s Farocki addressed two principal subjects: the practices of labor and the production of images. When we experience this work, multiple lines of flight open up. What is an image? How do images shape our subjectivities, our social and political systems?
Class Attributes
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area