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Advanced Creative Cross-Genre Writing (309-0-20)


Spoken Word and the Radiophonic Imagination


John Robert Bresland

Meeting Info

University Hall 318: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

Students will be invited to write and produce multiple prose and poetic works, layering the spoken word with evocative sonic textures, tones, music, and sometimes - shocker - even silence. This course will place equal emphasis on literary quality, vocal performance and production value. We will spend ample time on computers, learning and perfecting various audio production methods, taking cues from the best of contemporary radio practice by listening in on the rich and varied soundscapes of podcasts such as "Uncivil" and "Twenty Thousand Hertz", as well as broadcast mainstays like "This American Life" and "Radiolab". We will sample the beautifully layered soundscapes of Miranda July, Laurie Anderson, Joe Frank, Delia Derbyshire and many other sonic greats. Open to writers of all genres and all skill levels.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-Requisite: Students must have taken & passed English 206-0 to enroll.